Power Station Chimneys Toppled

The two remaining chimneys at the former Morwell Power Station in Victoria (Australia) were successfully brought down at the start of the year. 


Construction of the chimneys commenced back in 1949, with electricity production beginning in the plant back in 1956. They were finally decommissioned in 2014.


From an environmental aspect the Morwell Power Station was an emissions criminal generating 2.4 – 2.8 tonnes of carbon dioxide.


As a comparison, a rival power station, considered one of the world’s dirtiest, created around 1.4 tonnes of CO2-e/MWh.


Rescued from impending deconstruction Morwell Power Station temporarily dodged demolition after the local  controversially granted it the status of a heritage site.


The brief reprieve ended though just a few months later after the same council gave it  permission to be demolished.


The demolition was made more complicated though after 10,000m3 of asbestos had to be removed from the site first. 


To bring the chimneys down no explosives were to be used in an unusual move with instead a structural pull-over technique used.


Both Chimneys were pulled down without a hitch in just over 2 hours.